It is intended that lands zoned "Open Space" will be retained as undeveloped open space, mainly for passive open space related activities. The open space/park areas could contain active play facilities such as children's play areas but these would only be a small component of...
Rural areas under strong urban pressure are areas of special control within the County as identified in the Clare County Development Plan 2017 - 2023. Such areas display the greatest pressure for development due to proximity to the immediate environs or close commuting...
Section 47 – has the meaning assigned to it under Section 47 of the Planning and development Act 2000. A Planning Authority may enter in to an agreement with any person interested in land in their area, for the purpose of restricting or regulating the development or use of...
Dataset showing the boundary of the Bray Head SAAO produced by Bray Town Council/ Wicklow County Council in 2007. A Special Amenity Area Order (SAAO) is designed to protect areas that are of particularly high amenity value, which are sensitive to intense development pressure...
For the purposes of Section 97 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 a person may, before applying for planning permission in respect of development consisting of the the provision of 4 or fewer houses or for housing on land of 0.1ha or less may apply to the Planning...
Land use zoning is derived from the practise of designating permitted uses of land based on mapped zones which separates one set of land uses from another. It is a mandatory objective under Section 10 (2) (a) of the 2000 Act for development plans to include objectives for the...
Working landscapes are those areas within settled landscapes that contain pockets of concentrated development or a unique natural resource. The Clare Co Development plan 2017 - 2023 identifies two such landscapes . a) The Western Corridor- Ennis a to Limerick Working...
These are areas are of high amenity quality in the county designated within the 2008 - 2014 County Westmeath Development Plan.
Certain lands which are identified and reserved for the protection of existing and future provision of key infrastructural services and the upgrading of existing service infrastructure. Such land uses may include the safeguarding and protection of energy water/ waste water...
Historic and 'active' graveyards based on graveyards survey undertaken in 2006 by Architectural Recording and Research (AR&R) and modified by Environment Section. Data Owner: Heritage Officer / Environment Section.
ScienceDataset owned by Failte Ireland Dataset sourced from Failte Ireland Tourism content July 2010
ScienceDataset owned and provided by OSi as part of the OSI core database 2009. Polyline dataset representative of disused railways around Ireland
ScienceDataset owned and provided by Irish Sports Council Dataset represents Way Marked Wyas, Looped Walks & Cycle routes in Conemara; Dataset attributed with trail 'Name', 'Category', 'Grade, 'Format' & 'Lenght' For further information on trails and routes in Ireland...
Pollution Impact Potential (PIP) maps were generated separately for nitrate and phosphate to rank critical source areas (CSAs) relative to one another from diffuse agriculture for both the groundwater and surface water receptor. The PIP maps are generated by the EPA Catchment...
Groundwater Vulnerability is a term used to represent the intrinsic geological and hydrogeological characteristics that determine the ease with which groundwater may be contaminated by human activities. Groundwater vulnerability maps are based on the type and thicknesses of...