EP003 - Preliminary Population per Member of Dáil Éireann and Percentage Change 2011-2016GovernmentPreliminary Population per Member of Dáil Éireann and Percentage Change 2011-2016
EP001 - Preliminary Actual and Percentage Change in Population 2011 - 2016GovernmentPreliminary Actual and Percentage Change in Population 2011 - 2016
GovernmentAverage Annual Other Labour Costs Components for All Employees
Average Annual Earnings and Other Labour Costs
Total Annual Earnings and Other Labour Costs
IBE16 - Employees in receipt of illness, multiple illness, long term illness & injury benefitsGovernmentEmployees in receipt of illness, multiple illness, long term illness & injury benefits
IBE14 - Commuters in receipt of illness benefit, multiple and long-term illness benefit and injur...GovernmentCommuters in receipt of illness benefit, multiple and long-term illness benefit and injury benefit
IBE13 - Commuters in receipt of illness benefit, multiple and long-term illness benefit and injur...GovernmentCommuters in receipt of illness benefit, multiple and long-term illness benefit and injury benefit
IBE12 - Commuters in receipt of illness benefit, multiple and long-term illness benefit and injur...GovernmentCommuters in receipt of illness benefit, multiple and long-term illness benefit and injury benefit
IBE11 - Commuters in receipt of illness benefit, multiple and long-term illness benefit and injur...GovernmentCommuters in receipt of illness benefit, multiple and long-term illness benefit and injury benefit
IBE08 - Employees in receipt of illness, multiple illness, long-term illness and injury benefitsGovernmentEmployees in receipt of illness, multiple illness, long-term illness and injury benefits
IBE07 - Employees in receipt of illness, multiple illness, long-term illness and injury benefitsGovernmentEmployees in receipt of illness, multiple illness, long-term illness and injury benefits
IBE06 - Employees in receipt of illness, multiple illness, long-term illness and injury benefitsGovernmentEmployees in receipt of illness, multiple illness, long-term illness and injury benefits
IBE05 - Employees in receipt of illness, multiple illness, long-term illness and injury benefitsGovernmentEmployees in receipt of illness, multiple illness, long-term illness and injury benefits
IBE04 - Employees in receipt of illness, multiple illness, long-term illness and injury benefitsGovernmentEmployees in receipt of illness, multiple illness, long-term illness and injury benefits
Persons aged 18 years and over
Persons aged 18 years and over
Persons aged 18 years and over
Persons aged 18 years and over
Why Households do not have an Internet Connection