No. of Young Persons / Adults in Receipt of an Aftercare Service with an Aftercare Plan 2019

Published by: Tusla
Category: Health
Views: 8
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Performance metrics for by year No. of Young Persons / Adults in Receipt of an Aftercare Service with an Aftercare Plan

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Resource: 2019 CSV


CSV representation of the metrics No. of Young Persons / Adults in Receipt of an Aftercare Service with an Aftercare Plan 2019 for 2019

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
RegionID numeric RegionID
AreaID numeric AreaID
Area text Area
Year numeric Year
Q1 numeric Q1
Q2 numeric Q2
Q3 numeric Q3
Q4 numeric Q4

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 27 August 2020
Metadata last updated 10 July 2024
Created unknown
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Created5 years ago
Media typetext/csv
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package ide3b939b9-81dd-4ddd-998d-584f7cea57ab
Preview rows18
Total record count18
High Value Dataset (HVD) Resource
Applicable Legislation
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