GSI Quaternary Deglacial Landforms

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Category: Science
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This dataset is a complete coverage of mapped and digitized ice-marginal deglacial landforms for Ireland. The datasets forms part of the GSI Quaternary Map series. The Geomorphology dataset originally comprised individual feature layers that were subsequently merged into 9 sub-groups. Deglacial Landforms is one of the subgroups. The Deglacial Landforms data layer is comprised of the following geomorphological features: 1) Deltas; 2) Fans; 3) Glaciofluvial Terraces; 4) Hummocky Moraines; 5) Hummocky Sand and Gravels; 6) Kame Terraces; 7) Moraine Ridges. The “Deglacial Landforms” data layer is a polygon feature in an ESRI File Geodatabase supported by attribute identification and symbolized in ArcMap using the Quaternary master style file ( and a layer file (ICE-MARGINAL DEGLACIAL.lyr).


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