EnvironmentMet Éireann have a series of climate stations located strategically across the country providing esential raw data on our climate. Here you can find the last 24 hours of raw climate observational data from each station. Files with Pluv in the filename are rain gauge data...
EnvironmentThe views and prospects listed in this plan for protection are those views / prospects that are considered to be of the highest amenity value in the County. Some views / prospects will form a cohesive set, such as coastal or lake drives, while some appear suddenly and provide...
The views and prospects listed in this plan for protection are those views / prospects that are considered to be of the highest amenity value in the County. Some views / prospects will form a cohesive set, such as coastal or lake drives, while some appear suddenly and provide...
This dataset provides map polygons for sea areas used in sea area warnings. The dataset includes the naming convention and EMMA IDs for each area adjacent to the coastline.
This repository contains geo-data concerning the National Library of Ireland’s collection of Catholic parish register microfilms. The data is used in the mapping features of https://registers.nli.ie/. The registers contain records of baptisms and marriages from the majority of...
EnvironmentAbstract: This data shows the latest readings available for water monitoring stations in the Office of Public Works hydrometric network. Also, it has the latest list of valid stations. Purpose: To support Flood Risk Management objectives through the collection of hydrometric...
EnvironmentAbstract: This data shows the co-ordinates, station name & station reference number of water monitoring stations in the Office of Public Works hydrometric network. Purpose: To support Flood Risk Management objectives through the collection of hydrometric data.