143 Results

Categories: Environment Openness: 3 API: false Publisher: Met Éireann

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    This data consists of live text forecasts including, National, regional, sea area, inland lakes and county forecasts.
    This dataset prepresents solar radiation measurements from our weather stations at Ballyhaise, Johnstown Castle, Malin Head and Gurteen. The data presented here is one minute and 60 minute data. Disclaimer The observational data provided herein is made available in accordance...
    Synop messages are used to report weather observations from fixed land weather stations. SYNOP (Surface synoptic observations) messages are text messages in a numeric code specified by the WMO (World Meteorological Organisation). Information on codes can be found here...
    Met Éireann have a series of climate stations located strategically across the country providing esential raw data on our climate. Here you can find the last 24 hours of raw climate observational data from each station. Files with Pluv in the filename are rain gauge data...
    The data contained in this resource consists of rescued rainfall data from 114 locations across Ireland. The data covers a range of periods pre-1940. Each folder comprises of a csv file with an accompaning metadata text file. The metadata provides a discription of the data,...
    This dataset provides map polygons for sea areas used in sea area warnings. The dataset includes the naming convention and EMMA IDs for each area adjacent to the coastline.
    This table contains hourly elements for the last 30 years measured at our synoptic station in Knock_Airport, Co Mayo. The file is updated monthly. Values for each hour may include (depending on the station): Precipitation Amount (mm); Air Temperature (°C); Wet Bulb Air...
    This links to a file called report.json which contains Agricultural Meteorology Data for the past 7 days for a number of synoptic weather stations. The file is updated daily. Notes on the table All data are averaged or summed over the 7 day period A blank entry means that...
    This file contains a list of list of monthly totals/averages for our synoptic station in Valentia Observatory. The file is updated daily. Values for each month include: Name; Report; Year; Month; Total rainfall in millimetres; Mean dry bulb temperature in degrees; Mean 10cm...
    This file contains a list of list of monthly totals/averages for our synoptic station in Sherkin Island. The file is updated daily. Values for each month include: Name; Report; Year; Month; Total rainfall in millimetres; Mean dry bulb temperature in degrees; Mean 10cm soil...
    This file contains a list of list of monthly totals/averages for our synoptic station in Shannon Airport. The file is updated daily. Values for each month include: Name; Report; Year; Month; Total rainfall in millimetres; Mean dry bulb temperature in degrees; Mean 10cm soil...
    This file contains a list of list of monthly totals/averages for our synoptic station in Roches Point. The file is updated daily. Values for each month include: Name; Report; Year; Month; Total rainfall in millimetres; Mean dry bulb temperature in degrees; Mean 10cm soil...
    This file contains a list of list of monthly totals/averages for our synoptic station in Phoenix Park. The file is updated daily. Values for each month include: Name; Report; Year; Month; Total rainfall in millimetres; Mean dry bulb temperature in degrees; Mean 10cm soil...
    This file contains a list of list of monthly totals/averages for our synoptic station in Oak Park. The file is updated daily. Values for each month include: Name; Report; Year; Month; Total rainfall in millimetres; Mean dry bulb temperature in degrees; Mean 10cm soil...
    This file contains a list of list of monthly totals/averages for our synoptic station in Newport. The file is updated daily. Values for each month include: Name; Report; Year; Month; Total rainfall in millimetres; Mean dry bulb temperature in degrees; Mean 10cm soil...
    This file contains a list of list of monthly totals/averages for our synoptic station in Mullingar. The file is updated daily. Values for each month include: Name; Report; Year; Month; Total rainfall in millimetres; Mean dry bulb temperature in degrees; Mean 10cm soil...
    This file contains a list of list of monthly totals/averages for our synoptic station in Mt Dillon. The file is updated daily. Values for each month include: Name; Report; Year; Month; Total rainfall in millimetres; Mean dry bulb temperature in degrees; Mean 10cm soil...
    This file contains a list of list of monthly totals/averages for our synoptic station in Moore Park. The file is updated daily. Values for each month include: Name; Report; Year; Month; Total rainfall in millimetres; Mean dry bulb temperature in degrees; Mean 10cm soil...
    This file contains a list of list of monthly totals/averages for our synoptic station in Malin head. The file is updated daily. Values for each month include: Name; Report; Year; Month; Total rainfall in millimetres; Mean dry bulb temperature in degrees; Mean 10cm soil...
    This file contains a list of list of monthly totals/averages for our synoptic station in Mace Head. The file is updated daily. Values for each month include: Name; Report; Year; Month; Total rainfall in millimetres; Mean dry bulb temperature in degrees; Mean 10cm soil...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).