EnvironmentThe OSPAR Convention is the current legal instrument guiding international cooperation on the protection of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic. Work under the Convention is managed by the OSPAR Commission, made up of representatives of the Governments of 15...
This dataset represents the location of all buildings classified as protected structures in County Kerry
EnvironmentThe Ballyglass Harbour Tide gauge is part of the Irish National Tide Gauge Network which is a network of tide gauges located around the coast of Ireland collecting water level data as part of the development of a permanent tidal monitoring infrastructure. Parameters collected...
EnvironmentThis dataset shows the point locations of shipwrecks in Irish Waters surveyed by INSS and INFOMAR national seabed mapping projects. Over 480 surveyed shipwrecks have been recorded in the INFOMAR shipwreck inventory. The database accurately records the location of shipwrecks...
Survey tracklines delineate the line along which the vessel travelled as it was surveying. The vessel collects multibeam echosounder data (MBES) by emitting a fan of soundwaves and recording the reflected signal. The area of seabed ensonified is known as the footprint and the...
This dataset shows the area of seabed mapped by both the INFOMAR and Irish National Seabed Survey projects to date. Each survey leg is represented by a unique polygon whose title is coded using the initials of the vessel that did the survey, the year the survey was completed...
EnvironmentThis dataset shows the locations of Activity Operators providing surfing hire, lessons or related services as collated by Failte Ireland. This is a subset of the larger Failte Ireland Activities Dataset, downloaded in April 2021. The Activities dataset was downloaded from...
EnvironmentDisplays wrecks from the National Monuments Service’s Wreck Inventory of Ireland Database (WIID) for which there is a recorded location. There is data held within the WIID on a large number of wrecks for which we have no precise recorded location, co-ordinate or known extent....
EnvironmentThe locations of military danger and restricted areas that can affect coastal areas in Ireland. The boundaries of the danger and restricted areas were digitised using coordinates and instructions provided in the Irish Aviation Authority’s Integrated Aeronautical Information...
EnvironmentThe headquarters of the Naval Service of the Irish Defence Forces is located at Haulbowline, Co. Cork and as of 2019 is the sole naval base in Ireland. The point location of the site was digitised using reference maps by ABPmer on behalf of Marine Institute, Ireland. None
EnvironmentBiospheres are places where nature and culture connect. In 1981, UNESCO recognised the importance of Dublin Bay by designating North Bull Island as a Biosphere because of its rare and internationally important habitats and species of wildlife. To support sustainable...
Offshore Wind Farm Applications in Irish Waters (2021)EnvironmentThis dataset shows the location or potential locations of marine renewable energy sites (wind farm authorisations) in Irish waters. This is based upon formal applications submitted to the foreshore licence application office. The sites are catagorised depending on the stage...
Records of marine species encountered by divers in Irish coastal waters. Geographic Coverage: Coastal waters of Ireland Temporal Coverage: 2003-2019 Species Groups recorded: horseshoe worm (Phoronida), unassigned, roundworm (Nematoda), foraminiferan, bony fish...
EnvironmentThis dataset is comprised of the variety of skate and ray egg casings found on Wexford beaches through survey work. It includes the number of egg casings found from each species that has been identified in the process of the examination of the casings. The species found...
Records of North Atlantic Right Whales (Eubalaena glacialis) in Irish watersEnvironmentDistribution and temporal data for North Atlantic right whales within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Ireland Geographic Coverage: The inshore waters of counties Donegal, Mayo and Cork Temporal Coverage: 1300-1987 Species Groups recorded: marine mammal Dataset Status:...
Spatial distribution of Natterjack Toads in Ireland Geographic Coverage: Island of Ireland Temporal Coverage: 2010 - present Species Groups recorded: amphibian Dataset Status: Ongoing
Surveys of aquatic fauna carried out by Geoff Oliver and Eddie McCormack 2016-17 in 39 of the coastal lagoons listed by NPWS Geographic Coverage: Republic of Ireland Temporal Coverage: 2016 to 2017 Species Groups recorded: insect - true bug (Hemiptera), bony fish...
Dataset with records of sightings of mammal and bird species made during the period of the survey. Geographic Coverage: National Temporal Coverage: 2006-2007 Species Groups recorded: bird, terrestrial mammal Dataset Status: Complete Additional Information: NPWS, Irish Wildlife...
A national macroinvertebrate dataset collected for the biomonitoring of Ireland’s river network, ...EnvironmentThe data described here were originally collected for one purpose – to assess rivers nationwide to determine the quality of the macroinvertebrate communities across the country as part of the WFD ecological status assessment. These assessments indicate changes that pollution...
A complete dataset of Empididae in Ireland Geographic Coverage: The island of Ireland Temporal Coverage: 1999 - Present Species Groups recorded: insect - true fly (Diptera)