This Dataset contains the locations of the RPS for Dublin City Council administrative area as contained in the 2005-2011 Development plan
TransportThis dataset is a record of bridge locations in the Dublin City Council administrative area . Originally digitized by Road Maintenance department in 2010 based on 1:1000 scale vector mapping. The dataset is considered 98% complete.
This Dataset contains the locations of trees to be preserved within the Dublin City Council administrative area
This Dataset contains the ACA locations as set out in the 2005-2011 Development Plan
This dataset contains details on all roads within Dublin City Council. The dataset was derived from Ordnance Survey Mapping, along with road classifications lists and Dublin City Council Roads In Charge records. This dataset is considered 90% complete
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal...
GovernmentThis data contains the Electoral Divisions in the Local Electoral Area.
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal...
The Record of Protected Structures (RPS) lists all protected structures and buildings in Dublin. A protected structure is a structure that a planning authority thinks is of special interest from an architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific,...
This dataset provides annual updates on Adult Learning Centre in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, Electoral Division. The dataset was counted as part of the...
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal...
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal...
Water Quality Samples The Dublin City Central Laboratory maintains a database of river , bathing water, sewage and drinking water samples and results of any tests carried out on those samples, from . There are three .xml spreadsheets contained here: The drinkingwater check...
Volume Data Jan - April 2012 for Dublin City, from Traffic Department's SCATS System 1st Jan to 3...TransportTraffic volume data Volume data across Dublin City, from DCC's SCATS system, in csv format. ''The volume data is aggregated over 5 minute intervals for each approach into an instrumented intersection. There are separate files for each region (CCITY, SCITY, NCITY, WCITY1) and...
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal...
Sustainable Indicators The Sustainability Indicators Report brings together international, national and local indicators to measure the Dublin Regions progress towards environmental, economic and social sustainability. Key metrics include 30 headline indicators spread...
School Wardens This dataset contains a list of all school warden duty points in Dublin City. The datasets are broken into five separate worksheets by administrative area of the city; north central schools, south central schools, south east schools, northeast schools and...
Volume Data Jan- May 2013 for Dublin City, from Traffic Department's SCATS System DCCTransportVolume data across Dublin City, from DCC s SCATS system, in csv format. The volume data is aggregated over 5 minute intervals for each approach into an instrumented intersection. There are separate files for each region (CCITY, SCITY, NCITY, WCITY) and for each day. See...
This report sets out the results of the National Litter Pollution Monitoring System (System Results) for Dublin City Council. These results are compared to national results and aggregate results for all Dublin councils. Data presented in this report are based on Litter...
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal...