It is intended that lands zoned "Open Space" will be retained as undeveloped open space, mainly for passive open space related activities. The open space/park areas could contain active play facilities such as children's play areas but these would only be a small component of...
Rural areas under strong urban pressure are areas of special control within the County as identified in the Clare County Development Plan 2017 - 2023. Such areas display the greatest pressure for development due to proximity to the immediate environs or close commuting...
The Road Schedule lists all roads that are in public use. It is a line datasetwhich is normally the centre line of the road. Other attribute data is also stored such as the average width, surface type.
A habitat survey is a method of gathering information about the ecology of an area. The fundamental piece of information collected is the habitat type to which a particular area can be assigned. Habitat types are determined by reference to a system of habitat classification....
Section 47 – has the meaning assigned to it under Section 47 of the Planning and development Act 2000. A Planning Authority may enter in to an agreement with any person interested in land in their area, for the purpose of restricting or regulating the development or use of...
The Register of Protected Structures is a statutary document manitained under Section 10(2)(f) of the Planning and Development Acts 2000 - 2010. Structures can be added at any time and not just on publication of the Development Plan. The Protected Structures were published as...
These are regional roads which have been selected by the Council as strategic routes based on the volume of traffic that they carry on a daily basis. These roads are identified in the Clare County Development Plan 2017 - 2023
For the purposes of Section 97 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 a person may, before applying for planning permission in respect of development consisting of the the provision of 4 or fewer houses or for housing on land of 0.1ha or less may apply to the Planning...
Land use zoning is derived from the practise of designating permitted uses of land based on mapped zones which separates one set of land uses from another. It is a mandatory objective under Section 10 (2) (a) of the 2000 Act for development plans to include objectives for the...
Working landscapes are those areas within settled landscapes that contain pockets of concentrated development or a unique natural resource. The Clare Co Development plan 2017 - 2023 identifies two such landscapes . a) The Western Corridor- Ennis a to Limerick Working...
These are regional roads which have been selected by the Council as strategic routes based on the volume of traffic that they carry on a daily basis. These roads are identified in the Clare County Development Plan 2011 - 2017
EnvironmentWalkways can be defined as nonmetalled surfaces between two points which support the use of trails or paths for walking. Walways for Co. Clare are displayed in the Clare County Development Plan 2017 - 2023 and the Shannon Town and Environs Local Area Plan 2012 - 2018
These areas are created legally under Section 10(2)(g) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 - 2010. This allows for groups of buildings, streets, villages, small towns and larger areas to be designated as Architectural Conservation Areas. Other ACA's may be added over...
EnvironmentThe Northern shores of Shannon Estuary are a major natural resource with significantly deep water close to the shore. The potential of the natural deepwater sheltered Estuary, the proximity of the Estuary to national road links to Ennis, Shannon Airport and the West of...
Landscape Character Areas are units of landscape that are geographically specific and have their own character and sense of place based upon patterns of geology, landform, landuse, cultural historical and ecological features. The landscape character assessment of Co. Clare...
EnvironmentIt is an objective of Clare County Council to preserve and conserve individual or groups of trees which have been identified in the Clare County Development Plan 2011 - 2017 as "Trees for Preservation" which will enhance the character and appearance of the area.
Certain lands which are identified and reserved for the protection of existing and future provision of key infrastructural services and the upgrading of existing service infrastructure. Such land uses may include the safeguarding and protection of energy water/ waste water...
As part of the implementation of the Clare Heritage Plan 2008, Clare County Council decided to conduct a traditional boats study in the County. The project proposed an "audit and inventory of traditional boats and curraghs in County Clare and the establishment of a priority...
EnvironmentA scenic route is an area of special control. It is a specially designated road or water way that is located in an area of natural or cultural beauty. i.e. heritage landscape. In some areas the land adjoining scenic routes can have relatively limited capacity ( environmentally...
Playgrounds owned and managed by Clare County Council Dataset Publisher: Clare County Council Dataset language: English Spatial Projection: Web Mercator Date of Creation: 2020 Update Frequency: As Required Clare County Council provides this information with the...