# TITLE: CO2 - L1 for Continuous air # FILE NAME: MLH_2021-01-01T00:00:00_2021-07-14T00:00:00_47.0_40_C_hour.CO2 # DATA FORMAT: Version 1.0 # TOTAL LINES: 4697 # HEADER LINES: 40 # PROJECT DATA VERSION: Undefined # DATA PRODUCT TYPE: L1 # STATION CODE: MLH # STATION NAME: Malin Head # STATION CATEGORY: Contributing # OBSERVATION CATEGORY: Air sampling observation at a Stationary platform # COUNTRY/TERRITORY: Ireland # CONTRIBUTOR: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) # LATITUDE: 55.355 N # LONGITUDE: -7.333 E # ALTITUDE: 22 m asl # NUMBER OF SAMPLING HEIGHTS: 1 # SAMPLING HEIGHTS: 47.0 m agl # CONTACT POINT: D.Martin@bristol.ac.uk,gerard.spain@nuigalway.ie # PARAMETER: CO2 # COVERING PERIOD: 2021-01-01T00:00 2021-07-14T00:00 # TIME INTERVAL: hourly # MEASUREMENT UNIT: umol.mol-ยน # MEASUREMENT METHOD: Cavity RingDown Spectrometer (instrument Id 40) # SAMPLING TYPE: continuous # TIME ZONE: UTC +1 # MEASUREMENT SCALE: WMO CO2 X2019 # DATA POLICY: ICOS DATA is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.The ICOS data licence is described at https://data.icos-cp.eu/licence. # COMMENT: # - Times are UTC # - Time-averaged values are reported at the beginning of the averaging interval. # - Flag 'U' = data correct before manual quality control # - Flag 'N' = data incorrect before manual quality control # - Flag 'O' = data correct after manual quality control # - Flag 'K' = data incorrect after manual quality control # - Flag 'R' = data correct after manual quality control and backwards propagation # - Flag 'H' = data incorrect after manual quality control and backwards propagation # - Data processing at ICOS ATC is described in [Hazan et al., 2016], doi:10.5194/amt-9-4719-2016